We deliver customised solutions to improve water quality and optimise water as a resource.
From recreational water quality management to the treatment of drinking water and industrial wastewater, our methods are driven by data and informed by the latest science. This allows us to deliver purpose-designed solutions that are efficient, effective and safe.
Our multidisciplined team has the expertise and technical resources to develop comprehensive solutions covering all forms of water quality enhancement.
We focus on process optimisation, chemical program applications and water circuit analyses, and incorporate the most advanced methods including GAC filtration treatment, ultrasonic technology and photovoltaic floats.
We're also supported by a team of hydrobiologists and microbiologists, so you can be certain that our solutions are grounded in the latest science and years of experience.
Ready to learn more?
Strategies and solutions to improve the quality of drinking water and industrial wastewater.
Real-time monitoring systems to assess water quality in lakes, dams, influent or effluent ponds and other water bodies.
Elimination solutions for cyanobacteria and green algae, including aeration and ultrasonic technology.
Dedicated to community engagement and cross-sector collaboration, we’re committed to helping you develop resilient, sustainable water management practices.