What We Do

Algae Control

Through ultrasonic technology, we provide a safe, effective solution for cyanobacteria and green algae.

Algae Control

Chemical-free elimination of cyanobacteria and green algae

Cyanobacteria and green algae negatively impact water quality and limit the use of water reservoirs, lakes, rivers and other water bodies.

A cost-effective, 100% chemical-free solution for algae control, our ultrasonic technology will help ensure that your water body is safe for recreational use, environmental discharges and aquatic life.    

Key Features

Algae reduction in any environment


Elimination of green algae and cyanobacteria, with significant reduction of biofilm and bacteria count.


Solutions for a range of water bodies, including reservoirs, lakes and rivers.


100% chemical-free solutions, safe for recreational users and aquatic life.


How Ultrasonic Elimination Works

1. Analysis

We start with a comprehensive analysis of the green algae and cyanobacteria present in your body of water.

2. Installation

A low-power ultrasonic transmitter is placed on the water surface. Once the transmitter start emitting short pulses into the water, it begins damaging the cells of green algae and cyanobacteria.

Cyanobacteria is affected within a diameter of 800 m; green algae and diatoms are affected within a diameter of 300 m.

3. Algae Reduction

The damaged algae and bacteria cells sink, their growth slows down, and reproduction stops.

The structural integrity of bacteria and algae is damaged, causing cells to sink. Their growth slows down and their reproduction stops.

4. Results

Once the algae reduction process is complete, our ongoing monitoring solutions will help ensure that water remains healthy and safe for recreational use, environmental discharges and aquatic life.

Learn more about our algae control solutions

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Algae Control from HydroBioScience

Photon Water is the Australian distributor for HydroBioScience (HBS), a US-based research, engineering and manufacturing company dedicated to chemical-free algae and biofilm remediation technologies. 

Quattro-DB® and Mezzo-DB®  

  • Algae, biofilm and biofouling prevention 

  • Patented ultrasonic technology 

SolaRaft-iQDB™ and SolaRaft-QDB®  

  • Algae remediation

  • GPS telemetry 

  • Intelligent water quality monitoring 

SolaRaft-iQM™ and Water-iQM™ 

  • GPS telemetry

  • Intelligent water quality monitoring

Learn more about HydroBioScience


Learn more about HBS's algae control technology

Our Solutions

What’s included?

We understand that every client and every body of water is unique. Following our complete analysis, we will develop an approach specific to your needs and challenges. Our typical service contracts include: 

  • Ultrasonic transmitter installation 

  • Maintenance and operation of the transmitter 

  • Ongoing monitoring to ensure long-lasting results 

Learn more about our algae control solutions

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is cyanobacteria?

Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, are a group of photosynthetic bacteria that are among the oldest organisms on Earth. They are found in a wide range of environments including freshwater, marine, and terrestrial habitats. 

One of the distinctive features of cyanobacteria is their ability to produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis, meaning they can produce their own food using sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water. This played a crucial role in the development of Earth's atmosphere billions of years ago. 

Cyanobacteria can exist as single cells, colonies, or filaments, and they come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some species can form blooms in bodies of water under certain conditions, leading to water quality issues and potential harm to aquatic ecosystems and human health. 

While cyanobacteria are important contributors to ecosystems and play a role in nitrogen fixation, some species can produce toxins that are harmful to humans and animals if ingested or if there is skin contact. 

What is green algae?

Green algae are a diverse group of photosynthetic organisms. They are primarily aquatic, although some species can live in terrestrial environments such as damp soil or on the surfaces of trees and rocks. Green algae are known for their green coloration, which is due to the presence of chlorophyll pigments, similar to land plants. 

Green algae can vary greatly in size and complexity, ranging from single-celled organisms to multicellular forms that resemble plants. They can be found in freshwater, saltwater, and moist terrestrial habitats worldwide. 

Like plants, green algae use photosynthesis to produce their own food, converting carbon dioxide and water into glucose using sunlight as an energy source. They also release oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis, contributing to the oxygen content of their environments. 

Green algae play important ecological roles as primary producers in aquatic ecosystems, serving as food sources for a variety of organisms including aquatic invertebrates and small fish. They also help to oxygenate water and contribute to nutrient cycling. 

Despite their ecological importance, green algae can also be harmful when they form dense blooms in bodies of water. 

Why is algae harmful to bodies of water?

Cyanobacteria and green algae can be harmful to bodies of water under certain conditions due to a phenomenon known as algal blooms.  

Algal blooms occur when these microorganisms reproduce rapidly and accumulate in large numbers, often leading to visible discoloration of the water and sometimes forming thick mats or scums on the surface. 

There are several reasons why cyanobacteria and green algae can become harmful: 

Toxin Production 

Some species of cyanobacteria and green algae can produce toxins known as cyanotoxins and algal toxins, respectively. These toxins can be harmful to humans, pets, and aquatic organisms if ingested or if there is skin contact. Cyanotoxins can cause a range of health problems including skin irritation, gastrointestinal issues, and in severe cases, liver damage or neurological effects. 

Nutrient Pollution 

Cyanobacteria and green algae thrive in nutrient-rich environments, particularly those with high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus. Excess nutrients, often originating from agricultural runoff, sewage discharge, or urban stormwater, can promote algal growth and lead to the development of algal blooms. 

Low Dissolved Oxygen 

During the daytime, cyanobacteria and green algae carry out photosynthesis, which generates oxygen as a byproduct. However, at night or when algal blooms die off, microbial decomposition of the organic matter produced by the algae consumes oxygen, leading to depleted oxygen levels in the water. This can result in hypoxic or anoxic conditions, which are harmful to aquatic organisms and can lead to fish kills and other ecological problems. 

Disruption of Ecosystems 

Algal blooms can disrupt aquatic ecosystems by shading out other aquatic plants, reducing biodiversity, and altering habitat structure. They can also impact the availability of food resources for aquatic organisms, leading to changes in community composition and trophic dynamics. 

Is algae control safe for the environment?

Algae control methods can vary widely in terms of their safety for the environment. Some algae control methods are considered safe and environmentally friendly, while others may have negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems. Safe and environmentally friendly algae control methods typically include non-toxic approaches. 

At Photon Water, we use a chemical-free ultrasonic algae elimination process. Unlike some chemical algaecides, ultrasonic algae control does not introduce harmful substances into the environment, making it a more environmentally friendly option for managing algal growth in bodies of water. 

Who do we work with?

We can provide our algae control solutions to a wide range of clients, including: 

  • Councils and water authorities

  • Mining operations

  • Recreational lakes and water bodies
  • Wineries

  • Agriculture industry and large-scale landowners

  • Water treatment plants with reservoirs or drawing from lakes

  • Environmental consultants 

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